Well Being Academy E-Learning System

02 – Angelic Music – Archangel Jophiel

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Angelic Music – Archangel Jophiel

Abundance is our natural state of the mind and soul. Also, we are constantly surrounded by angels, which are protecting us and helping us to utilize our potentials. Those angles have their names and different roles. The ABUNDANCE is a feeling of being safe and secure. Abundance is having a feeling of financial security now and in the future. Also, abundance means having enough love, time, ideas, trust and everything else which is positive.

Beautiful inspirational thoughts, we love them, that’s Archangel Jophiel.

He helps you to think beautiful thoughts, those thought that enable you to attract and manifest more beauty in your life.

You know when you have those sudden flashes of wonderful inspiration and suddenly the answers to problems, that is Jophiel bringing joy, laughter and light, he also helps you with studying, exams, and concentration as well as developing intuition, inner wisdom and insight.

Because Jophiel helps in absorbing information, it’s a great idea to have him at your side when you’re studying for and want to pass tests.

Below is 2 minute sample:


Angelic Music – Archangel Jophiel

Abundance is our natural state of the mind and soul. Also, we are constantly surrounded by angels, which are protecting us and helping us to utilize our potentials. Those angles have their names and different roles. The ABUNDANCE is a feeling of being safe and secure. Abundance is having a feeling of financial security now and in the future. Also, abundance means having enough love, time, ideas, trust and everything else which is positive.

Beautiful inspirational thoughts, we love them, that’s Archangel Jophiel.

He helps you to think beautiful thoughts, those thought that enable you to attract and manifest more beauty in your life.

You know when you have those sudden flashes of wonderful inspiration and suddenly the answers to problems, that is Jophiel bringing joy, laughter and light, he also helps you with studying, exams, and concentration as well as developing intuition, inner wisdom and insight.

Because Jophiel helps in absorbing information, it’s a great idea to have him at your side when you’re studying for and want to pass tests.

Call on Jophiel’s energy to help you slow down and smell the roses.
Today, as always they are still strongly making their presence known and when working in tandem with them you will be able to co-create a more peaceful world for yourself and your loved ones.

Use Jophiel’s yellow ray to help you to develop a fresh approach and bring to life enchantment and pleasure.

This music can connect you with Archangel Jophiel and with positivity in a best possible way. Just connect with him and enjoy the abundance you deserve. Asking help from Archangel Jophiel is OK, because he will help you whenever you ask for help, just like all other angels.

Relax your mind and body NOW, prepare for work, study, or just energize yourself.

Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet, classical, meditation music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.

WellBeingAcademy is innovative in Relaxing & Meditation Music, Study Music, Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, and Nature Music.

As a group of therapists (Reiki, Karma Healing, Silva Method, Reconnection, Coaching, Peat) and musicians determined for Well Being of our clients, we are combining our therapeutic theory and practice with the state-of-the-art music to bring to you the best relaxing and meditation tool for to relax your mind and body.

Listening to instrumental music at specific times of the day has been shown to be helpful in maintaining good health (both physical and spiritual). We compose instrumental music that is specially designed to encourage and enhance relaxation, meditation, brain function, focus and concentration and body&mind healing music therapy. In addition, we use binaural sounds to naturally achieve a state of relaxation which is perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. Our music is perfect for all kind of meditation and relaxation. Our music videos use light, beautiful, calming sounds (some with sounds of nature), that leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed.

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