Well Being Academy E-Learning System

I am a lead role in my play!

You are the superstar of your life. You are a lead role in your show. What can you do to make your play a hit? Give yourself a good screenplay. It all starts with a story of how you want it to be, who you want to be, what you want to be. You can do anything your mind can imagine, but you must first feed him with positive guidelines. Same as with the software, your life is a sum of own self-talks.

Maybe you spent too much time thinking negatively or letting your negative self-talk be better than you. Well, you can decide here and now to change it! Big change doesn’t happen overnight, and sometimes our old habits want to stick to us. But, by being ready to change what is wrong and depressing for you, you can actually do it.

You can do it, it is all in your mind!!!

Start defines whole new story. Begin by appreciating yourself the way you really are at this moment. Start with accepting yourself even when there is a chance of a mistake that is more appropriate to old screenplay, tired screenplay you want to leave behind. Just be a director of your play and keep white pages for new screenplay while you still have it on your mind.

When you change the way you think, the whole world will change. You will be looking forward for the next role in your play, because you know that it will be better than the last one. Of course, certain conflicts can occur, but you can handle it! Enjoy like a star in your play!!!

You are amazing! Believe and assure yourself!

You are a star of your play, your life!

March 21, 2019

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