There is no person who has no fear, because we are all born and die with a certain number of fears. Such fears, such as a fear of snakes or of some bloodthirsty animals is useful to us as we use it to safeguard our life or protect ourselves from possible injury. Fear is omnipresent on our planet, and we can hear about it every day in a news about conflicts, wars, kidnappings, or in our family from our children.
If we think about why we are constantly preoccupied with all kinds of fears (and these are not above described fears), we will realize that fear is a lack of faith in yourself and your life. If you do not believe in yourself, then we do not believe in our lives. We do not believe in a higher intelligence that created us and who constantly takes care of us. We do not believe that God or the Universe, or intelligence created us as a parent, as we created, or born our children, and take care of us as we take care of our children. For this you realize how to win the fear – by increasing or creating and strengthening of faith in yourself and your abilities. This trust is already in us and is associated with higher intelligence and when we realize that fact, every fear is completely unnecessary for us, because we know that we are protected in every moment of our life.
We know that children have less fear and behave much more spontaneously and freely than adults. It is known that when we are not next to them, when we do not control their movement, they are still alive and healthy. It is clear to us that we were also children and we also behaved similarly – freely and without fear. This means that even though it seems that we have forgotten what it is faith in ourselves and life, faith is still within us, it is a learned skill and it can be “restored”! We can freely compare it to a ride of bike or a car:
- Have you learned to ride a bike?
- Did you forget to ride a bike?
Fears are always there to protect us and at the same time they limit us. When we understand that there is a moment when they only limit us, we must get rid of fears, because they are no longer needed!
Can you remember at least 3 his fears that may affect you and that you want to get rid of as soon as possible? I’m sure you have. And if you can not immediately recall all, give yourself time to recognize them. When you recognize them try to find their origin (wrong upbringing, beliefs from childhood, the current environment, inherited fears …) and realize that you are not them, you are not that fear. When you understand your fears, try to see them as images on the big screen. What is on the screen is not really there, and this image is rapidly changing and disappearing. Unless you want them to stay. If you release fears, they will disappear quickly as the image on a movie screen.
Fears are limiting our mind. Fear creates our reality. The fears come true. Imagine what would your reality become if you replace your fear with the trust? What would this mean for you? What reality would begin to fulfill your life?
Fear is the opposite of love. When you feel good and confident, everything in life is going smoothly, we have more love, joy, we are healthier and we are relaxed. When we feel bad, we attract bad situations that confirm our fears, worries, foreboding.
When love ourselves, we begin to trust ourselves and our decisions. It is the faith that makes miracles and is changing circumstances in which we live. When we see ourselves worthy and esteemed, then we make better decisions for ourselves and create the joy, satisfaction and happiness.
For the beginning, say NO to your fears, and say YES to life you deserve!
As a unique and valuable person You deserve to live and love, not to be afraid and be sad.
Be aware that you are the one who make the decision!
Be aware that only you can help yourself.
Be aware that by helping others you help yourself.
The decision is yours! Choose yourself!
You are the key to a happier life.
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